Conventions for the free listings
- Book Sale Finder reserves the right to edit any submission to meet our criteria for free ads.
- Unless otherwise stated, all sales accept cash or check only - no credit cards.
- We list restrictions that might affect whether a person will attend the sale, e.g. if scanners are not allowed. However, most venues have their own rules about book hoarding, etc. - we do not list those; they are usually posted at the sale.
- Price ranges are typical; most sales also have some specially priced books and include media; we generally don't mention those items or prices.
- If there is a preview where only Friends can attend, we mention it in the listing, but do not include the date of the preview in the calendar section. If the preview is open to all, even if there is an admission charge, the date will be included in the calendar section.
- Most library sales are held at the library and are sponsored by Friends. For free ads we list the location, not the sponsor, unless the sale is not at the library.
- For free listings, we generally do not allow subjective opinions such as "best sale in the area" or notices of "special donations". We keep our highlighted ad prices very low to allow special sales to maximize their revenue (and keep us in business).